Rubicon SPEC

The Rubicon Trail – it’s remote, it’s filled with vehicle-crushing rock climbs, and it’s known as an “expert-only” OHV and Jeep trail. Many have tried to tackle it, and not nearly everyone succeeds at it. How in the world were we supposed to plan a press event ON “the Con”?! 

Two words come to mind: teamwork and experience. This wasn’t our first rodeo, and our team knew that our history of planning and executing successful press events in remote areas would be key here. 

How did we put our experience and teamwork to work?! Needless to say, we have a team-focused planning process, and we like to use all of our resources to put together the best plan possible. The resources come from personal experience (all of our team members eat, breathe, and love the world of outdoor recreation), personal connections, and a wealth of knowledge about logistics.

With site checks taken care of, it was all about putting together the final game plan, which included flights, hotels, transportation, pre-run vehicle prep and transport to/from the ride site, restaurant and food plans, transportation of all our gear with an outside company for our campout night on the actual Rubicon Trail (thank you Rubicon Trail Adventures and the staff at Rubicon Springs!), and all snacks/drinks so that everyone was happy (and hydrated/fed) while out there. 

Now, none of that would have been possible without a client that had the ultimate faith in (1) their product, and (2) their team. After all was said and done, the client, Yamaha Motor Corporation, accomplished something many of their competitors had considered, but none had ever attempted, and we did it without a single vehicle failure.  Zip. Zilch. Nada. The Yamaha Wolverine RMAX 1000 lineup and the professional team that we’re proud to be a part of tamed the Rubicon – a first for the industry.  

Mic. Drop.


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